Attracting Foreign Film Studios And Directors To The UK

It is without a doubt the main objective of any British film industry or independent film parliament to assess the needs of British film and the parties concerned and to deliver a comprehensive report on how areas of the industry can be developed as a whole and in part.

However there needs to be an understanding in that a wide range of films from a variety of cultures and countries is beneficial in both cinema attendance and general revenues. Both in UK economical terms and tax income and percentage of revenues through popular cinematic experiences.

Although it is obviously ideal that films are produced in the UK wherever possible and that film crews, actors and actresses are widely used across the globe. Cultural and language differences still form a welcome barrier to complete market share.

Such is the ability to translate international film it is still pertinently obvious that gaining traction with the British public reading subtitles or watching dubbed films is a task. Something that Channel 4 pulls off rather nicely but as cinematic audiences, a harder objective to ascertain.

Countries in Europe and worldwide are used to bi-lingual viewing. With films often showing in English format with subtitles or as seen with a lot of cartoon type productions, alias actors dubbing the film in the national tongue. Both Britain and the United States does well to export films in this manner and reaps the success of an international audience.

The key part of the British Film Industry is to persuade Directors of independent and international standing to get the books and stories they are interested in producing into film, done so in the English language. The second aim is to do this on British soil, with British landscapes, using the wealth of film studios in the UK, utilising British film crews and actors.

It goes without saying that a story set in China which is a period drama would not suit a British landscape or the majority of British actors. However with stories and books and made for TV scripts, there is more room to engage in scenery and location change.

With directors and foreign film studios tempted by tax cuts and the increased revenues made possible with the wider access to English speaking film distribution across the world, then British film production can certainly benefit from a crop of foreign based tales being made in a British format without running contradictory to the initial storyline.